Globe Earth

Step 1

This is picture of earth made in vectors. You can find allready draw in vectors on internet,

or you can draw by yourself in corel or illustrator and then export to photoshop. It's your choise.

When you decide how you gona get this picture, make sure that picture is draw in two layers.

Globe Earth image 1

Step 2

We now start with first (yellow) layer.

Globe Earth image 2

Step 3

Go to Layers style and give Gradient. Chose some gray-light blue color and from the same palete for second color chose more lighter almost white.

Globe Earth image 3

Step 4

Then open new layer and draw shape like this. Color him in black.

Globe Earth image 4

Step 5

To cut unneceassary parts, give selection to first layer (previos yellow).

To do that, hold ctrl and click on first layer in layer window.

Then use Inverse selection. Shift+Ctrl+I

Now go back to second layer and press delete.

Globe Earth image 5

Step 6

Go to Filter>Blur and give Gaussian blur effect.

Then in Layers window put opacity to 40%.

Globe Earth image 6

Step 7

Now open new layer. Draw rounded shape and color in white.

Globe Earth image 7

Step 8

Use again Gaussian blur effect.

Globe Earth image 8

Step 9

OK. This is how it look's.

Globe Earth image 9

Step 10

Now select second layer from start (red) and in layer style give Gradient with some dark blue color.

Globe Earth image 10

Step 11

Then open new layer and draw shape like in picture. use Transformation tool to give this position.

Globe Earth image 11

Step 12

Use Gradient tool like in picture.

Globe Earth image 12

Step 13

Repeat Gaussian blur effect.

Globe Earth image 13

Step 14

Put smaller opacity. About 30-40%

Ok. now we gona make some shadows.

Put all layer together in one Set.

Duplicate that set and merge him.

Go to Layer>Merge layer set. color him in layer option in black and use gaussian blur effect.

Globe Earth image 14

Step 15

Repeat same step with dow shadow. Use distort transformation and make position like in picute.

Globe Earth image 15

Step 16

In the end give some gradient fill to background.

Globe Earth Tutorial: Final Result

Friday, March 13, 2009


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